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The IPCC’s report to be released Monday, Aug. 9, will be called “Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis", a transparent attempt to claim a connection to physical science which the IPCC’s models do not have, as exposed by the [] July 27 issue of Science magazine.

(An economics equivalent might be “Stock Market Prices 2021: The Physical Economic Basis".)

A report Aug. 4 in The Conversation blog, “Five things to watch for in the IPCC climate report,” notes that it will present and promote the new model, CMIP6, which the Science article quoted panel experts debunking. It assumes twice as much “climate sensitivity” to CO2 atmospheric concentration (which is also assumed to be causal to climate change) as the previous model, CMIP5 in 2013. It therefore claims, as Mark Carney has done in his speeches, that Earth’s average temperature will be rising to 5-6 degrees Centigrade above the 1880 level during this century.

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