One of the new experts brought on by pillow manufacturer Mike Lindell is Col. Phil Waldron (ret.), who refers to getting his start on election data analysis using the work of Rus Ramsland, the head of Allied Security Operations Group. Ramsland was one of the purveyors of the most absurd nonsense incorporated into the legal filings of Lin Wood and Sidney Powell in the 2020 elections. In his affidavits, incorporated by Powell and Wood into their suits, Ramsland:
• Confused Minnesota and Michigan municipalities.
• Drew supposed conclusions about fractional voting by misusing low-quality data scraped from the New York Times election website (with a precision of only 0.1%, leading to vote totals for one candidate occasionally going down over short time intervals — purely an artifact of the recording precision).
• Claimed that U.S. votes were changed in Frankfurt, Germany, on the basis of Scytl resolving to an IP address located there.
• Humiliated himself by claiming Chinese involvement in Dominion Voting Systems based on confusing UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland) — which was involved in a financial transaction involving Dominion owner Staple Street Capital — with UBS Securities Company, a Chinese subsidiary of UBS, majority owned by UBS. The Chinese subsidiary had nothing to do with Dominion.