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Preliminary Program for the August 14th LLF Seminar: So, Are You Finally Willing to Learn Economics? on the 50th Anniversary of LaRouche’s Stunning Forecast of August 15, 1971

Panel 1: “On LaRouche’s Discovery”

9:00 am EDT (15:00 CEST)

Moderator: Dennis Small (US), LaRouche Legacy Foundation

1. Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Board of Directors, LaRouche Legacy Foundation

2. Speaker from Russia

3. Speaker from China

4. Jozef Mikloško (Slovak Republic), Former Vice Prime Minister of the first Czechoslovakian government after the fall of Communism

5. Dr. Natalia Vitrenko (Ukraine), Doctor of Economic Sciences, Chairman of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, People’s Deputy of Ukraine (MP) 1995-2002: “Saving Mankind Is a `Mission—Possible’”

6. Antonio “Butch” Valdes (The Philippines), President, The Philippine LaRouche Society

7. LaRouche on the World Stage: Through the Words of Ramsey Clark (US, former Attorney General); Frederick Wills (Guyana, former Foreign and Justice Minister); Dr. Eneas Carneiro (Brazil, former member of parliament and presidential candidate); José López Portillo (Mexico, former President)

8. Discussion Period

Panel 2: “Earth’s Next Fifty Years”

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