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Unknown Virus Fever Hits Northern India in Wake of COVID-19

Uttar Pradesh in northern India has an unknown virus fever that has recently killed 68 people, 40 of them children. Curiously, this comes at a time when COVID-19 has almost been wiped out in Uttar Pradesh, with 62 of the 75 districts reporting no new cases, and the other 13 reporting cases in the single digits. There is certainly the possibility that one factor is a weakening of the population’s immune systems. The health department describes a presentation of a high fever, then intense dehydration and a sudden drop in platelet count. They have called upon the population to seek out a doctor upon the onset of a high fever; and also to take extra precautions against mosquitos, such as eliminating any standing water. The area is plagued by mosquito-borne infectious diseases, including dengue fever, chikungunya fever, and malaria.