A third, or possibly fourth, of Hunter Biden’s laptops — all with scandalous material on them — has emerged with the publication by the Daily Mail of yet another embarrassing video of the President’s son. This one has the nude Hunter complaining to a nude prostitute (with discreet blacking out) in January 2019, that his Russian drug supplier, with whom he was partying in Las Vegas in 2018, swiped a previous laptop, on which existed videos of him having sex with a Russian prostitute. He lamented — on video he was recording! — that since his father was going to run for President, the laptops could be used to blackmail him and/or his father.
It is somewhat curious that, despite his January 2019 concern over a lost laptop leading to blackmail, he nonetheless never picked up another laptop at the Delaware repair shop, later in 2019. (Yet another of Hunter’s laptops was secured in 2020 by the FBI, during an investigation of Hunter’s psychiatrist friend, Keith Ablow.) By a conservative count, one that assumes the Daily Mail’s material is from the second, repair-shop laptop, leaves the known total at three. Hunter’s serial usage of his laptops’ cameras, and his repeated loss of the laptops, has practically become a cottage industry.