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BoJo Is in the U.S. To Co-Host a UN Meeting on Climate Change

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson arrived in New York City to co-chair a special United Nations meeting on climate change, along with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. BoJo and his entourage are especially focused on trying to cajole and strong-arm China into adopting their suicidal Green Reset agenda.

AP reported that BoJo issued a statement: “This week, as world leaders arrive in New York for the biggest diplomatic event of the year, I will be pushing them to take concrete action on coal, climate, cars and trees so we can make a success of COP26 and keep our climate goals within reach.” AP further reported that “the British government says 100 world leaders have confirmed they will attend the conference. But Alok Sharma, the British official serving as the conference’s president, was not able to confirm Sunday whether Chinese President Xi Jinping has committed to attending the talks, or whether China would definitely be sending a delegation. “ ‘On the issue of whether Xi Jinping is going to come, that is not yet confirmed. Normally these things come a bit closer to summits. I am very, very hopeful that we will have a delegation from China,’ Sharma told the BBC.… `They have said to me they want the COP26 to be a success. The ball is in their court. We want them to come forward and make it a success together with the rest of the world,’ he said.”