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Geraci Affirms China Will Never Open to Western ‘Covid Pass’

Italian economist Michele Geraci posted a short video from a hotel in Shanghai, where he has returned from a vacation period in Europe, warning that the Chinese government will not loosen its travel controls, which are very strict, on the basis of Western “Covid pass” certifications.

Currently, visitors to China must have an invitation or a similar justification for travelling, must produce a valid test at the check-in and will be submitted to four tests at arrival. They are eventually escorted to a hotel for a 15-day quarantine, where they are tested every other day.

China trusts vaccines only partially, being aware that vaccinated individuals can still be viral carriers and can transmit it. China’s policy has worked: The country has been opened for 13 months since the lockdown, and economic and social life is flowing normally; contrary to the West, where due to a stupid refusal to learn from “Communist” China, politicians rejected sistematic tracing at the beginning.

The main responsibility for the West’s stupidity is due to the media, which have unleashed an anti-China campaign, and to politicians who appease media-manipulated voters.

Geraci recounted that when he was in the government, he proposed a Covid-app developed at MIT, where he had previously worked, which fulfilled “privacy” concerns, with data being not centralized in a provider, but resided only in the smartphone. The government rejected it and adopted another app, which was a fiasco because it was not mandatory and because of the induced mass psychosis.