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Greens Provoke Food Emergency in Sri Lanka

The following was published by an Italian pro-nuclear blogger yesterday:

“Sri Lanka yesterday declared a state of economic emergency [on Aug. 31] after a series of bad harvests that threaten to plunge the country into a very serious famine. The situation is already critical, so much so that food for the population is being rationed by the army.

“This situation was not determined by chance or bad luck: Sri Lanka had in fact launched a trial for ‘100% organic’ agriculture, abolishing GMOs, pesticides and fertilizers.

“The government consultant who inspired this disastrous project is Vandana Shiva, a master of global environmentalism who thrives on philanthropic donations and millionaire consultancy, including a selfie with Greta Thunberg and a book on ecofeminism. Vandana Shiva was also a consultant to [Italian Education] Minister [Lorenzo] Fioramonti (Conte 2 government) and was the protagonist of the campaign against the felling of the olive trees in Puglia [infected with Xylella fastidiosa]: even in that case her activism achieved its goals, and the result was the desertification of half the region.

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