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‘Man Is a Parasite,’Says Italy's Minister for ‘Ecological Transition’

Sept. 22 (ERNS) — Roberto Cingolani, Minister for Ecological Transition in Mario Draghi’s bankers’ government in Italy, gives you a foretaste of what the EU ecofascist elite is planning for Europe as a whole. His warnings that the transition should not be painful for the poor and for developing countries should not deceive the public (who might have figured out these people have pain, they don’t need more). This individual is a dangerous Malthusian ideologue and is on record for saying that man is a “parasite” and that the Earth has a carrying capacity of 3 billion people.

In a 2014 video concerning a lecture to students in Milan, Cingolani said: “The entire planet is overpopulated ... and we have an evident problem of eco-sustainability of our planet, which has been designed for 3 billion people, and of the human being, who is biologically a parasite because it consumes energy without producing anything.” [ ] (min. 6:25).