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China Takes Note of Opposition in U.S. to the Climate Policies

The lead editorial in the Global Times today takes note that Joe Biden’s own party has blocked his effort to pass climate change legislation, and that the Republican Party will likely scrap anything the Democrats pass if they come back into power. The daily writes that whether China and the U.S. can “unite and cooperate will determine the future of the entire operation on climate change.”

The editors continued: “The promise of the Biden administration is eye-catching, but there are widespread international doubts about how Washington can ensure the fulfillment of this promise, where its leverage is and how it will ensure the sustainability of the policy. In the U.S., only the Democratic government supports the UN climate action. The previous Trump administration blatantly withdrew from the Paris Agreement and threw the entire UN climate action aside. The Biden administration is like a truant returning to class. However, once the Republican Party comes to power, it will be highly uncertain whether the U.S. will `skip class’ again and whether the Biden administration’s commitment will be overturned again. The G20 summit and the COP26 global climate summit are coming soon, but Biden’s $1.75 trillion budget plan focusing on climate change and other issues has not been approved. This has further worsened Biden’s credibility.” (