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COVID Surge in U.K. — Would ‘Plan B’ Threaten COP26?

Documents leaked from the U.K. government revealed that the Boris Johnson administration is considering a new set of measures to counter the current severe outbreak of Covid-19. In September the U.K. government implemented “Plan A” to stop the pandemic in the winter of 2021, based on a vaccine rollout, but also a “Plan B” if the situation deteriorated, which it has. A memo classified “Official Sensitive” from the U.K. Health Security Agency to local authorities, town hall and public health leaders, stated: “I have been asked to canvas opinion on the level of support for immediate roll out of the Winter Plan — Plan B.” It would require vaccine passports to enter pubs and restaurants and large outdoor events over 10,000, and require face masks in certain places.

There was a surge in coronavirus cases across the nation this week. On Oct. 21 there were more than 50,000 infections recorded in the U.K. in a single day — the highest daily count since mid-July, and a daily death toll of 223 people on Oct. 19 — the highest since March, Sputnik reports.

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