The European Council was a battleground for Hungary against the Brussels dictatorship yesterday, with Prime Minister Viktor Orban challenging the Commission on energy policy and state of law. The EU is “destroying” Europe’s middle class with his Fit for 55 package, Orban said according to a tweet by his spokesman. (Fit for 55 is a commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 55% by 2030.) “Those who increase electricity and gas prices ‘above the ceiling’ are threatening European democracy. These plans must be withdrawn and rethought,” the tweet said.
“There is a witch hunt in Europe against Poland, but the truth is on Poland’s side, so we will stand by them.… EU institutions have nothing to do with areas where national parliaments haven’t transferred powers to the European Union,'’ Orban is quoted as saying.
Ahead of the summit, Orban said he cannot allow Brussels to question the results of Hungary’s utility cost reduction. “I expect a long debate. The lights have already been shut off, at least in the heads of some EU bureaucrats.”
The EU Council was continuing today with a discussion on other issues, including the dispute with Poland on the reform of the judiciary.