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It is getting to look more and more like poor Joe Biden and his green fascist hitman John Kerry will be going off to their Halloween Climate Bash in Glasgow empty-handed and disgraced. It is not only that there are many major “carbon emitters” refusing to attend, and/or openly declaring that they will be expanding — not contracting — the use of coal and oil in energy generation, for the simple reason that they care about their citizens. On top of that, their own Democratic Party is telling them to forget about Biden’s “Build Back Better” hyperinflationary $3.5 trillion fiasco, or at least those parts aimed at shutting down the economy under the guise of the fake science of carbon-driven climate change.

West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin met with Green fanatic Sen. Bernie Sanders on Oct. 20, and those who were there report sparks were flying. While Bernie was insisting the entire $3.5 trillion was needed, Manchin responded: “How about zero?” making a zero with his hand. He said the Congress should pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill, and then pause for six months.

The pundits are saying a compromise bill is soon to be worked out, but when Manchin was asked about it, he told the press: “This is not going to happen anytime soon, guys. I don’t see that happening.”

Without his vote, the Democrats can not ram it through, since they need all 50 Democrat votes.