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One Big Inflation Lie Is Deflated, Another Told, by European Commission

The number-two official in the European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans acknowledged on Oct. 15 that there has been no manipulation of the European natural gas market by Russia, no “starving” on Vladimir Putin’s orders driving up natural gas prices in the Amsterdam hub or elsewhere. “Russia is fulfilling its gas supply contracts,” Tiimmermans said. “We have no reason to believe it is putting pressure on the market or manipulating it.”

Since he was speaking to Bulgarian TV and the big British and West European media had no interest in correcting the idea they had been giving out, Timmermans’ statement got little coverage. ( U.S. and U.K. financial press had started this, with the likes of CNBC’s “The U.S. was right—Europe has become a ‘hostage’ to Russia over energy, analysts warn” back on Oct. 7. Putin himself answered it with the truth, on Oct. 13, when he was quoted by FT at the “Russian Energy Week International Forum” saying that a fall in output from wind farms had meant electricity prices shot up, having a knock-on effect on demand for gas. “The rise in gas prices in Europe was the result of a shortage of electricity, and not vice versa,” Putin said then, and accused Western leaders of “trying to cover up their own mistakes” – with wind and solar – by claiming Russia is withholding supplies. He added that “proper analysis of the situation is often replaced by empty political slogans.” (

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