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Putin to G20 Proposes Global Strategy vs. COVID-19

Russian President Putin told the G20 nations in a video address Oct. 30 that the world’s leading nations need a working mechanism for both efficiently updating vaccines against COVID-19 as the virus mutates, and for recognizing each other’s jabs, RT reported Oct. 30. The President’s remarks to both the first and second sessions of the G20 are posted to the Kremlin website.

Putin explained: “I propose instructing healthcare ministries of the G20 to address the matter of mutual recognition of national vaccination certificates within the shortest possible term.

“Experts believe that COVID-19 will continue to be a threat for a long time. I think WHO representatives will speak about this today as well. Considering that the virus continues mutating, we should develop mechanisms to boost vaccines promptly and consistently,” he said.

Putin urged that more international cooperation is required in terms of mutual recognition of vaccines and immunization certificates by national governments. “I would like to point out that, despite the decisions of the G20, vaccines and other vital resources are still not available to all the countries in need. Among other reasons, this is due to competition, which is dishonest, in my opinion, as well as protectionism and the fact that certain countries, including G20 countries, are not ready for mutual recognition of the vaccines and vaccination certificates.

“There is an urgent need for the World Health Organisation to expedite the pre-qualification of new vaccines and drugs – that is, to evaluate their quality, safety and effectiveness. I am convinced that the sooner this is accomplished, the easier it will be to resume global business activity, including tourism, which has been hit the hardest,” he further stressed.

Putin reminded members that Russia’s pioneering Sputnik V vaccine and its single-component version Sputnik Light, which can serve as a booster shot to other vaccines, have been successfully used in many nations to protect their populations from COVID-19. Many Western nations neither authorize vaccinations with Sputnik V, nor recognize immunization with it for international travel.

RT further reports that Sputnik Light is a universal booster shot for COVID-19 vaccines, its developer stated following the FDA’s approval of a mix & match approach: “There is an urgent need for the World Health Organization to expedite the pre-qualification of new vaccines and drugs – that is, to evaluate their quality, safety and effectiveness. I am convinced that the sooner this is accomplished, the easier it will be to resume global business activity, including tourism, which has been hit the hardest,” Putin stated. ((

The leaders of China and Russia participated in the discussion by video link.