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White House Issues First-Ever National Intelligence Estimate on Climate and Security

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has issued its first ever National Intelligence Estimate on climate, released by the White House on Thursday, as part of the hype for the “climate change” conference in the United Kingdom next week. One learns that climate change will increase instability in nuclear states (North Korea and Pakistan) and also will benefit our rival China. Geopolitical tensions will rise and “current policies and pledges” to reduce greenhouse gases are “insufficient.”

Lloyd Austin’s forward to the Pentagon’s Defense Climate Risk Assessment warns that “this threat will continue to have worsening implications for U.S. national security.” The reasoning is breathtaking. More droughts will cause large-scale migration. China and Russia will exploit “climate-related migration... by providing direct support to impacted countries” and thereby “gain influence.” It is not clear what steps the Pentagon is recommending to stop such dastardly behavior, but good Samaritans, beware!

Further, one learns that, according to the Washington Post, “mitigating climate-related disasters may call for solutions that some countries cannot afford and political will that some leaders cannot muster.” Hence, the intelligence community has created an “acute risk” list of countries which have governments that evidently “can’t” or “won’t” drink the green Koolaid: Afghanistan, Colombia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Iraq, Myanmar, North Korea, Nicaragua, and Pakistan. (Yes, even the US’s “good allies,” India and Colombia!)

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