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As the FLOP26 genocide merchants struggle to get some minimal statement to be accepted as a (pyrrhic) consensus of the 200-some countries a day after the scheduled close of the two-week fiasco, yet another draft communiqué is circulating. While it does include a statement on fossil fuels, it is clearly meaningless, calling for “accelerating efforts towards the phase-out of unabated coal power and inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, recognizing the need for support towards a just transition.” Such “efforts” are not defined, although CNN gloats that it would be an “unprecedented inclusion in the history of the COP process. In all 25 COPs before Glasgow, never has the role of coal, oil and gas as a driver, let alone the main driver, of the climate crisis made the final text.”

To get even this meaningless agreement, the draft had to include that there is also a “need for support towards a just transition.” They also want countries to come back at the end of 2022, at COP27 in Egypt, with increased goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

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