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French Farmer: Supplies for Fertilizer Remain “Black Hole” for Coming Spring

PARIS, Nov 9, 2021 (EIRNS) – A French farmer from the Loire Atlantique region confirmed to EIR yesterday the bleak perspectives concerning prices and access to fertilizers. Working on agricultural techniques less dependent on artificial fertilizers himself, he’s fully aware that for the large producers of wheat and corn, the concern is big. One could imagine becoming less dependent on artificial fertilizers, he said, “but that would require years of work, change of habits, and several years of experimental work.” Taking away fertilizer overnight, “is a killer.”

The COP-26 environmental demands, together with the huge increase in prices, are putting producers with “their back against the wall.” For the “winter season, things are more or less ok, but supplies for spring are a ‘black hole’ since production is increasingly unavailable and unpayable. Normally, at this time of the year, producers acquire at least 75% of the fertilizers they need in spring. Today, they have only bought about 25%.”

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