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Haiti on the Brink of Famine, as Security Situation Impedes Aid Delivery

According to a World Food Program (WFP) assessment of Haiti done in October, this nation of 11 million people is on the brink of famine, with one in three people in the country in need of urgent assistance. The assessment found that of 3.7 million people who are described as suffering from severe food shortages, 1 million are categorized as in “an emergency,” and are on the brink of famine, Voice of America reported Nov. 10. Reflecting how dire the situation is, the WFP reports that since last December, food insecurity in Haiti’s rural areas has increased by 15%; and in the capital of Port-au-Prince, home to 3 million people, 850,000 suffer from “severe hunger,” and do not know where their next meal is coming from.

This is the situation into which the Biden administration deported 8,000 Haitians beginning in mid-September, lying that Haiti was perfectly capable of handling a large influx of deportees with no problem. Haitian authorities begged America to stop the deportations, warning they had no resources with which to provide shelter, food or jobs for so many people and that the security situation was too dangerous.

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