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ISIS-K Targetted Afghanistan Military Hospital in Terror Attack

Paris, Nov. 3 (EIRNS) – At least 25 people were killed and over 50 injured in a terrorist attack last night in the Afghan capital Kabul. Attackers targeted the 400-bed Sardar Daud Khan military hospital, starting with two massive explosions outside the building provoked by a kamikaze on a motorbike and a car full of explosives. Then several gunmen from ISIS-K tried to break into the hospital to target civilians, doctors and patients.

The casualties could have been much higher had Taliban security forces not intervened immediately, shooting four ISIS-K attackers and capturing one alive. Maulvi Hamdullah Mokhlis, the Taliban military commander of the Kabul corps who had rushed to the scene, was killed during the attack. Mokhlis, a member of the hardline Haqqani network and an officer in the “Badri 313” Corps special forces, is the most senior figure to have been killed since Aug. 14.

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