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Jacques Cheminade Interviewed by CGTN on Xi-Biden Exchange

On November 17, Jacques Cheminade was interviewed for three minutes by Chinese television channel CGTN French. The topic of discussion was the significance of the Nov. 15 virtual meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his American counterpart, Joe Biden, which has taken place at a time when Sino-American relations are at a crossroads. Jacques stressed the importance of discussions like this taking place in an increasingly tense situation, even if agreements aren’t always reached. He emphasized the potential of the power of China working in concert with the power of the U.S. to change relations in the world to center around mutual development, with a new international financial order. Concrete areas of cooperation named were public health, counterterrorism, and the stabilization and development of Afghanistan, with an emphasis on working together for the good of other countries, as with China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

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