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Oligarchs' Mouthpieces Are ‘Disappointed’ That COP26 Goals Are Not Being Met

It is instructive that those mouthpieces associated with the financial interests of the City of London and Wall Street are alarmed that so many obstacles have appeared at the COP26 ghouls’ festival suggesting that implementation of their Malthusian depopulation goals will not be so easy. Not that they intend to halt their crusade; but The Economist, the Atlantic Council, the Wall Street Journal and Chatham House/Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) are all demonstrating high levels of stress. In an article originally published in CNBC, the Atlantic Council’s Frederick Kempe points out that at a time when energy demand is rising, and the clean-energy replacements aren’t yet in place, “you can’t take fossil-fuel supply off the market.”

He quotes the United Arab Emirates’ special envoy for climate change Sultan Ahmed al Jaber, who warned from a conference in Riyadh that “the world has sleepwalked into the supply crunch,” and points out that while the world rushes toward renewables and decarbonization, the reality is that fossil fuels remain 80% of the energy mix and some 60% comes from oil and gas alone, which he says “is the spinal cord of our ability to meet the global energy requirements of the future.” Kempe concludes that what the world is experiencing is “more energy transition than energy revolution. The shift from fossil fuels to clean-energy technologies will take years, and the only way to accelerate it is more technology breakthroughs, such as battery storage; more global policy changes, such as a carbon tax and even greater investments in clean energy.”


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