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Pfizer Antiviral Shows Great Promise Against Covid-19

A week after the U.K.’s emergency approval of Merck’s antiviral medication molnupiravir, Pfizer has announced interim data on a trial of its anti-Covid pill, and the numbers are extremely promising.

In a study of over 700 patients provided a five-day course of either a placebo or the Pfizer drug (taken in conjunction with anti-HIV drug ritonavir) within three days of symptom onset, there were seven deaths in the placebo group and none in the treatment group. And while 27 patients in the placebo arm were hospitalized, only 3 were hospitalized in the treatment group, giving a roughly 90% reduction in hospitalizations. These results are so promising that Pfizer is presenting the data early, rather than pursuing the trial to its planned completion with 3,000 patients.

This study focused only on unvaccinated people with Covid risk factors.

Another Pfizer study is testing its effectiveness in patients who are vaccinated and/or lack risk factors. And another will test its prophylactic use in people exposed to Covid.

Pfizer aims to gear up to produce 50 million courses of the treatment available in 2022.

An FDA panel will convene on Nov. 30 to assess whether to allow US use of Merck’s molnupiravir. Potential approval for the Pfizer treatment, if granted, would come later.

Merck has offered its patent to developing countries to produce its drug directly, while Pfizer has said it will commit to “tiered pricing” of the drug, which it would market as Paxlovid.

If these drugs prove to be safe and effective, their swift mass production could fundamentally shift the dynamics of Covid.