The China Academy on Social Studies (CASS) sponsored a Dec. 4-5 online “International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values” addressing the right of countries to choose their own system of democracy. Huan Kunming, head of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party and a Political Bureau member, opened the forum, which included over 100 international speakers, such as former Missouri Gov. Bob Holden, a cofounder of U.S. Heartland China Association (USHCA); former U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia and President Emeritus, World Food Prize Foundation Kenneth Quinn; EIR Washington Bureau chief Bill Jones; and Secretary of the Cleveland Public Library Thomas Corrigan from the Cleveland Public Library. Among other international representatives, there were several former heads of state and government, and other high-level figures, from Vietnam, Russia, Indonesia, Croatia, Egypt, Chile, Japan, Australia, Argentina, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Syria, Belarus, and Bosnia-Herzegovina.