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China Calls on Italy To Help Build the New Silk Road

The General Consul of the People’s Republic of China in Milan Ken Liu published a paid aid in Corriere della Sera today, in which he called on Italy to live up to its leading position in Western culture and revive the tradition of the ancient Silk Road in the Belt and Road Initiative.

Under the headline “Key Points on How To Know the Real China,” the long article starts with explaining “the secret of the success of the CCP” ("Combining the principles of Marxism with the sublime Chinese cultural tradition ... being always faithful to its original mission of bringing happiness to, and for the rebirth of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation ... having always the courage to self-reform, face problems and correct its own errors”), goes on explaining “what kind of democracy” is Chinese democracy, “how will China continue to show to the world the new fruits of its development,” and finally, “What does China’s development involve for Italy and the Italian people.”

“The party unifies the interests of its people with the interests of all countries in the world, promoting the construction of a human community with a shared future and a world in which durable peace, global security, common prosperity are guaranteed: and it is open, tolerant, clean and wonderful. Already 2,000 years ago, the ancient Silk Road connected China and ancient Rome at a distance of thousands of kilometers. Currently China and Italy, as leading representatives of Eastern and Western civilizations, should continue the legacy and keep the spirit of that ancient Silk Road alive, maintaining mutual respect, consolidating friendship between the two countries and, thanks to the guidelines indicated by the Belt and Road Initiative project, promote a cooperation of mutual advantage in various sectors….

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