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Farm Input Shortages, High Prices–Wheat Production in 2022 May Drop 10 Million Tons

The prospect gets worse by the day: how farmers are facing impossible conditions and food output will fall from the high prices and shortages of fertilizers and other agriculture inputs. A round-up article by Sean Pratt was posted Dec. 8 by The Western Reporter, on the situation in different places. Among the points in his review:

GLOBAL YIELDS DOWN. One of the world’s top three fertilizer firms had declared that there will not be enough nitrogen fertilizer. CF Industries president Tony Will told people on a recent conference call about third-quarter earnings, that countries are having to compete for fertilizer, and some, like India, reliant on government subsidies, will not be able to compete for the limited supplies. “We do think yield on a global basis is going to be off next year…there’s not going to be enough tons [fertilizer] available.” This refers especially to corn, wheat, and canola/rapeseed.

FRANCE. Wheat production costs in France are expected to increase by 21% in 2022, mostly due to the soaring nitrogen fertilizer prices.

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