In December 2020, before taking over the Italian government, former Goldman Sachs manager and ECB President Mario Draghi wrote a paper for the Group of 30 in which he pushed “creative destruction” as a method to reset national economies after the pandemic. “Non-sustainable” productions would be let fall, in favor of so-called sustainable ones. In the past months, it has become clear that this was not a simple slogan. Draghi and his team of hitmen are doing nothing to protect the productive part of the economy from the hyperinflation of energy and material costs. Draghi has announced a government program to soften the impact of such costs, but it has put it under the Ministry for Ecological Transition, whose head is known for saying that man is a “parasite” on Earth and is apparently doing its best to kill the industry.
Assistal, the association of 1500 producers of industrial plants, together with the association of building constructors of the Rome area, published a “very heartfelt call,” as an ad in the financial daily Il Sole 24 Ore, accusing the Draghi government of having totally miscalculated the real price increases of metals, wood and energy-related products, and of having provided relief only for small consumers. Companies which were in surplus at the beginning of the year are now in red, they say, and won’t survive next year unless something is done.
The government announcements of “economic recovery” are described as “slogans,” while reality shows “an emergency whose seriousness is de facto ignored or downsized by authorities.” Energy and material increases of 40-50% are much higher than what the new government measures have reported. The 100 million Euro fund established by the government is “insufficient, to use an euphemism, and fully detached from the reality that companies are facing.”