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Grim Predictions of French Intelligence about Ukraine

An article posted on the website of the French radio station Europe1, explores scenarios for war in Ukraine. “A crucial day for the future of Ukraine,” it begins. “While Russia has already announced that it does not want to make any concessions, the European armies are not ruling out the possibility of a military intervention by Ukraine” and “French intelligence has already anticipated three possible scenarios,” not a single one involving peace.

“Three options are on the table. The first is a pure and simple invasion of Ukraine. According to French intelligence services, this could happen in less than a week. Between 100,000 and 150,000 troops are currently deployed along the border. In this scenario,” says author William Molinié, “significant casualties are expected, including among Russian forces.” According to Europe1, the British have already made an emergency evacuation plan for their citizens.

A second invasion plan is being closely scrutinized, as it is considered “much more likely” by a senior French officer. It is the “annexation of the Donbas, a region in the east of Ukraine. The Russians could trigger an incident there to pretext an intervention and send tanks and infantry.”

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