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Opposition Leader UJrges Ukraine To Become Bridge Between Russia and West

Leader of Ukraine’s political party Opposition Platform—For Life Viktor Medvedchuk urged: “Ukraine should become a bridge between Russia and the West, between the West and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region,” he wrote in his Telegram channel, according to TASS. “This is the meaning and the opportunities for the development of pragmatism in the economic sphere are about, not the fact that we signed the Association Agreement and the Free Trade Area Agreement (FTA) with the EU, when we actually destroyed the economy and continue to follow the path of its destruction,” he went on.

He said his party is for building a social democratic country similar to those of Scandinavia, and “building socialism or social democracy focused on the interests of the people” and not “building wild capitalism,” which, in his opinion, is now happening in Ukraine. He said Ukrainian authorities should prioritize the development of the economy, healthcare and education, and the well-being of pensioners.

Denouncing the accusation that Russia is about to invade Ukraine, he wrote, “Tensions are mounting over Russian troops allegedly planning to invade Ukraine. Excuse me, but if the issue exists in the imagination of [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelenskyy and his circle, if it is as dangerous as they are describing it to our fellow citizens, then they should do something.” At the same time, in his words, the Kiev authorities “aren’t doing the right thing demanding new sanctions be imposed on Russia at every level and requesting weapons. I personally don’t believe [there will be] an invasion,” Medvedchuk stressed.

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