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Almost Half the Swedish Parliament Calls for Development of Nuclear Power

STOCKHOLM, Feb. 7 (EIRNS) — In an op-ed today in Svenska Dagbladet and widely reported in public radio, all four party leaders of Sweden’s non-socialist opposition, representing almost half the parliament, called for development of nuclear power. The usually excluded Sweden Democrat leader Jimmie Åkesson is included in the group, with the party leaders of the Moderates, Christian Democrats and Liberals. They address the skyrocketing electric power prices, and also the expected doubling of power consumption by 2045 because of huge industrial projects and electrification of transports. They want to redefine the energy policy to develop energy that is “fossil-free” instead of “renewable"; thus, Sweden would reach the goals of climate change with 100% fossil-free energy by 2040,"including nuclear power as a self-evident part.”

The four parliamentary leaders further demand the authorities set new rules for Swedish nuclear power and a fast track to allow permissions (certificates) for reactors, systems and components from other countries. They also want to change the law to permit the construction of more than 10 reactors which was the earlier maximum number, and at more places to allow for smaller reactors.

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