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Former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas Debunks Lie ‘NATO Promised Nothing’ to Russia

PARIS, Feb. 15 (EIRNS) – In a powerful intervention into the current crisis, Roland Dumas, French President François Mitterrand’s Foreign Minister, and therefore a direct eyewitness, completely debunks the Anglo-American claims that “nothing” was promised to Russia about NATO expansion east of a reunified Germany, in an interview with the French website Les Crises. (

The interview was posted on Feb. 12 on Youtube in four subtitled versions: Russian, English, German, and French. English:



The French-language channel of RT reports: “The former head of French diplomacy explains that he took part in the discussions to which Russia refers today when it evokes Western promises of non-expansion of NATO, made to the U.S.S.R. at the end of the Cold War.”

Moscow’s claim that the West would not expand NATO to its borders “are strongly questioned within the Western political-media landscape, where they are sometimes presented as a ‘myth’ or as a ‘historical untruth.’ Western promises, but still? In an interview published on Feb. 13 on the website Les Crises, the former head of French diplomacy Roland Dumas returned to the subject, recalling that he himself participated in the discussions to which Russia refers.

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