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High Rise Building in Kiev Likely Hit by Surface-to-Air Missile, Not Russian

The images and video of a damaged high rise residential structure in Kiev has become a cause celebre in the Western corporate media as evidence of Russian attacks on civilians in Ukraine. “Shelling of civilian infrastructure needs to stop now!” declared Janez Lenarcic, the European commissioner for crisis management, reported the Miami Herald. Bridges, schools and neighborhoods have been struck with air and missile strikes by Russian troops, despite the country’s officials claiming Russia would only aim at military targets, claimed The Associated Press.

Indeed, Russia launched Kalibr cruise missiles at military targets in several locations, including in Kiev. The damage to the building, however, was limited to one corner of the building at about 15-20 floors above the ground. The Kalibr cruise missile, however, carries a high explosive warhead of about 1,000 lbs and impacts the target at supersonic speed. The damage shown does not appear to be consistent with such a weapon. Rather, it appears more consistent with a weapon with a much smaller warhead.

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