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RIAC Posts Joint Seminar on Afghanistan with Schiller Institute

The video of the February 10th seminar on the “Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan: Towards a Durable Solution” jointly organized by the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Schiller Institute, is now posted on the RIAC site, as well as on the Schiller Institute’s site. The entry cites the topics on the agenda for discussion and the speakers, the link to the video on the Schiller site, and RIAC’s summary of its conclusions, as follows:

“The participants of the meeting came to the conclusion that an improvement in the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan in the short and medium term seems unlikely. The world community has not yet developed a unified position on the issue of recognizing the existing Afghan government. There is also no consensus on how to organize the supply of humanitarian aid, and how to distribute it among the Afghans. The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan has a regional significance and affects the situation in neighboring countries. This is an important reason why the solution of humanitarian issues should take precedence over political contradictions.”