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Trucks Start Rolling Feb. 22 Across Pakistan with Indian Wheat for WFP Distribution in Afghanistan

Final arrangements have been made between India and Pakistan for dozens of Afghan trucks to start rolling Feb. 22, taking wheat from India, across Pakistan, into Afghanistan for delivery throughout that nation. This convoy will be carrying the first load of 50,000 metric tons donated by India, all of which is expected to be delivered within a few weeks, by repeated convoys. The wheat will leave India through Pakistan’s Wagha border (near Lahore), transit Pakistan, and depart through its Torkham crossing point into Afghanistan to eastern Jalalabad.

On Feb. 12 in Rome, officials from India and the World Food Program signed a Memorandum of Understanding that the food will be distributed by the WFP from Jalalabad. They expect to deal with the wheat in five batches of 10,000 tons each. Over the past five months, WFP Executive Director David Beasley has commented many times on how the Taliban government is cooperating closely with the WFP in helping on aid logistics.The WFP operates a fleet of over 180 trucks, delivering relief supplies in all 34 provinces.

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