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WFP's David Beasley Warns, 'a Ring of Fire Is Circling the Globe, Sparking Starvation’

The World Food Program issued a release Feb. 18, reporting on its Executive Director David Beasley’s warning issued at the Munich Security Conference, and adding more details. Beasley told the conference, “We have a ring of fire circling the Earth now from the Sahel to South Sudan to Yemen, to Afghanistan, all the way around to Haiti and Central America. If we do not address the situation immediately over the next 9 months, we will see famine, we will see destabilization of nations, and we will see mass migration.”

The WFP states that, “As global hunger rates and humanitarian needs shoot ever higher, the resources require to meet them are levelling off. Just this month, a funding crunch has forced WGP to reduce the size of the food rations received by 8 million people in Yemen.” More cuts loom in the coming weeks, without resources.

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