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2019 Interview with Dmytro Yarosh: Zelenskyy Will Hang

Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism on March 5 uncovered an interview by the Ukrainian internet news site Obozrevatel of Dmytro Anatoliyovych Yarosh, a co-founder of the Right Sector who was then the commander of the Nazi Ukrainian Volunteer Army. The interview was from May 27, 2019, a week after Zelenskyy’s inauguration as President. The interview is published on Moon of Alabama’s website. Yarosh openly threatens to have Zelenskyy killed if he implements any part of the Minsk Accords.

Some quotes:

Yarosh: The Minsk format—and I talk about this all the time—is an opportunity to play for time, arm the Armed Forces, switch to the best world standards in the system of national security and defense. This is an opportunity for maneuver. But no more. The implementation of the Minsk agreements is the death of our state. They are not worth a drop of blood of the guys and girls, men and women who died in this war. Not a drop....

Q: Waiting for what the newly elected President will say?

Yarosh: Not only. Let’s fight and get ready. We are waiting for what he will say and, most importantly, how he will act. “By their fruits you will know them,” says Scripture. “Fruits” we will see somewhere in the fall. Zelenskyy is an inexperienced politician.... Zelenskyy is very dangerous for us Ukrainians. I feel it. His statements about peace at any cost are dangerous for us. Volodymyr simply does not know the price of this world.... He just needs to understand one truth: Ukrainians cannot be humiliated. Ukrainians, after 700 years of colonial slavery, may not yet have fully learned how to build a state. But we learned how to make an uprising very well and shoot all those “eagles” who are trying to parasitize on the sweat and blood of Ukrainians. Zelenskyy said in his inaugural speech that he was ready to lose ratings, popularity, position…. No, he would lose his life. He will hang on some tree on Khreshchatyk—if he betrays Ukraine and those people who died in the Revolution and the War. (