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Paris – On his personal website, Award-Winning journalist, Geopolitical Analyst and CGTN Moderator, Malik Ayub Sumbal, says that yesterday was a turning point: “The rejection of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s call for a no-fly zone by NATO is a big blow for Kyiv. The Ukraine-NATO epic breakup turned into revenge after the statement of Zelensky that if Ukraine will not be safe, the West couldn’t be safe as well.”

“The West not only betrayed Zelensky, writes Sumbal, but they pulled down the ladder which they had used, to use him against Russia. It’s not a new face for the West. Betrayal and cutting down every olive branch where they step up to climb is one of those western values where they actually abscond, and in fact, they must be shamed for this.” Of course, “Ukraine has been badly exploited and jeopardized by Volodymyr Zelensky who put everything at stake including the Ukrainian people. Anti-Russian sentiments and hatred made this day happen, that he has gambled his country for Western geopolitical and strategic interests.”

However, “The Western dream of an Eastern extension of NATO is now bulldozed with the statement from the NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, “We are not part of this conflict. And we have a responsibility to ensure it does not escalate and spread beyond Ukraine.”

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