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Col. Macgregor Rips Zelenskyy As "Puppet," Says Russia Avoids Casualties

Col. Douglas Macgreger, who has been an outspoken opponent of the regime change wars, took on the British journalist Stuart Varney on Fox Business on March 4, ripping into the lies about what is going on in Ukraine and what caused it. He began by asserting that the Russians have carefully avoided damaging power supplies or water facilities, adding that the Ukrainian Army ( he didn’t distinguish between the Army and the Nazi mititia) have used civilians as shields, “as the terrorists did in Syria,” Putin’s policy os to “capture as much as possible in tact – he has done much less damage than we did in Iraq.”

Zelenskyy, he said, is being pushed to hold on, to the detriment of the Ukrainian people. “He is postponing the inevitable in the hope that we’ll rescue him, but we are not coming. Biden has made that very clear.”

Putin made it clear that he wants a neutral state. This could have ended days ago if he had accepted that. Then they can adjust the borders. Putin is not seizing territory – they are destroying Ukraine military forces.”

Varney was shell-shocked. “But don’t you think Zelenskyy is a hero?” “No,” Macgregor shot back. “He is a puppet. He’s putting huge numbers of people at risk. The news reports coming out of Ukraine are all debunked within 24-48 hours. There is nothing heroic about the man. The most heroic thing he could do right now is to come to terms with reality. Neutralize Ukraine. It would be good for us, good for Ukraine and good for Russia. It would create the buffer both sides want.”

Col. Macgregor also argued that Russian forces have so far wrought much less damage upon Ukraine than the United States inflicted on Iraq during the military operations there in 1991 and in 2003.

As Russia continues its military operation in Ukraine enters its second week, Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.), former senior adviser to the U.S. defense secretary, compared the tactics currently employed by Ukrainian forces with those used by extremists in the Middle East.

Speaking with Fox Business earlier this week, Macgregor pointed out that Ukrainian forces are “taking refuge in population centers, cities, because they have no mobility, no air defense, no air cover, no logistical infrastructure.

“They are now mingling with the population, much as we’ve seen in the Middle East whenever we drove the Islamists out of business – they ran into cities, used people as shields, the civilian population, and tried to avoid being annihilated,” he said. “And I think that’s essentially what’s happening today with the population being used by the Ukrainian forces to avoid destruction.”

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