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Nuland Orders India, Bangladesh To Back War Policy Against Russia

Countries refusing to toe the unipolar, NATO line are in the crosshairs. Case in point: the March 20-23 trip of Victoria Nuland, the notorious #3 hitman of the State Department, to Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka, all of which abstained in the March 2nd UN General Assembly vote on the resolution attacking Russia for its actions in Ukraine.

“Democracies must stand against autocracies like Russia and China,” Nuland told India’s NDTV in an exclusive interview yesterday. That, she said, was “conveyed” to the Indian government. She had told reporters in Bangladesh the day before, that her team had had a “rich conversation” about the Russia-Ukraine conflict, calling it a key inflection point in the battle “between autocracies and democracies” around the world. “All democracies now need to stand together, and I am confident that we will stand together in speaking the truth about this [conflict].”

As Nuland was holding her meetings in New Delhi on Monday, President Biden joined in the India-bashing, complaining to the Business Roundtable’s CEO Quarterly Meeting at the White House about India’s “somewhat shaky” response, which spoils his claim to having organized a “united front throughout NATO and the Pacific” against Russia.

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