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Russian Military Warns that Ukrainian Security Service Is Preparing Chemical Weapons Provocation

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov charged yesterday that Ukraine’s security service SBU, acting with support from the Western countries, is plotting a chemical provocation against civilians with the aim of eventually blaming it on Russia. “We have reliable evidence that with support from the Western countries the SBU is plotting a chemical provocation against civilians. The purpose of the provocation is to blame Russia for using chemical weapons against Ukraine’s population,” Konashenkov said, reported TASS.

He stressed that the Russian forces involved in the special military operation in Ukraine could not have chemical weapons by definition. “In contrast to the United States, Russia has long complied with its international commitments to eliminate all chemical weapons stockpiles,” Konashenkov said. He explained that combat documents seized from Ukraine’s 4th national guard brigade contained a detailed map of the country’s territory showing storages of toxic chemicals and the types of substances kept there.