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U.K.-U.S. Lead ‘Putin the War Criminal’ Line To Deep-Six Possibility of Presidential Dialogue

The United Kingdom, United States, France, Albania, Ireland and Norway used yesterday’s UN Security Council debate to accuse Russian President Vladimir Putin of committing out war crimes, according to cheering reports by the likes of London’s Guardian. This campaign goes hand-in-hand with reporters’ concerted efforts on March 16 (which succeeded) to get President Joe Biden to agree that Putin is a war criminal.

This campaign has a serious practical intent. By tradition and actual legislative mandate, the U.S. President does not speak to war criminals, qualified sources report to EIR. Thus, the campaign aims to rule out direct discussion between Biden and Putin.

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss jumped in the fray, telling BBC Radio yesterday that she agrees that there is “very, very strong evidence” of war crimes being committed by Russian forces, with Vladimir Putin “behind them. It is ultimately a matter for the international criminal court to decide who is or isn’t a war criminal and for us to bring the evidence.”

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