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Xi Jinping Repeats That Decarbonization Will Be Slow, but Not Undermine Growth and Well Being

Xi Jinping addressed a meeting on the sidelines of the NPC today, repeating China’s position that decarbonization will not interfere with development nor with the livelihood of the people. “We will take proactive and prudent steps to advance carbon emissions peaking and carbon neutrality initiatives,” Xi said, while stressing that when carrying out carbon reductions, “we must also ensure the security of energy, food, and industrial and supply chains, as well as the normal life and work of our people,” according to Xinhua. “We must not distance ourselves from realities and rush for quick results.”

“Such words have sent a solid message of not adopting a one-size-fits-all approach to energy-consuming enterprises, but gradually introducing advanced energy-saving technology and steadily reducing carbon emissions,” Han Xiaoping, chief analyst at energy industry website, told the Global Times on Sunday.