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Database Italia on Schiller Institute Conference and Xi's Proposal

On April 28th Database Italia, a blog which interviewed Alessia Ruggeri, one of the speakers at the Schiller Institute conference on April 9th, and also Diane Sare, published an article entitled “The end of NATO, towards a new anti-NWO alliance” signed by Luca La Bella, who is among the signers of the Schiller Institute petition for a New Security Architecture. The article quotes the Schiller Institute conference on April 9th “for a new security and development architecture” and also has quotes from an article published by Movisol website on Xi’s recent similar proposal, quoting Helga Zepp-LaRouche and also Beijing Review on the conference, as reported by Movisol. Database Italia has around 20,000 viewers, who for sure saw the links to Movisol, LaRouche’s organization in Italy. So it is not surprising that the next day, the Movisol website underwent 400 hacker attempts, fortunately blocked by Word Press which reports “your website is being attacked by ill-intentioned people.” Here is the link to La Bella’s article on Database Italia:

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