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Russia Commemorates the Eighth Anniversary of The May 2, 2014 Massacre in Odessa

In her Russian Foreign Ministry press briefing yesterday, Maria Zakharova pointed out that May 2 is the eighth anniversary of the horrific tragedy in Odessa in which 48 people were “burned alive, died from carbon monoxide poisoning or fell to their death from the upper floors of the House of Trade Unions which was set on fire by the nationalists.” The victims had been protesting against those radical nationalists who took power as a result of the “Western-inspired armed coup in Kyiv” in February 2014, Zakharova said, and had been “collecting signatures for a referendum on the federalization of Ukraine and granting the Russian language the status of a state language.” For that, they suffered a cruel and barbaric death, having been locked in the Trade Union hall. (

“We will never forget this atrocious crime,” and “we will work to identify and punish all those involved in this tragedy,” she vowed. But, how did the “civilized West” respond? It “kept silent in an uncivilized manner.” The events of that day should come as a reminder to all those international players who today “talk about humanitarian disaster and human rights violations and use the word `genocide’ on a daily basis.” Despite the wealth of information available—books, journalists’ accounts, investigations, documentary evidence—"all international organizations have remained silent.” In fact, Zakharova said, the atrocity was even videotaped, such that there couldn’t have been any other interpretation of what happened. The only question that remains unanswered is who the perpetrators were, and what punishment should they get for their actions.

Astonishingly, she continued, this heinous crime hasn’t been officially investigated. To the people of other European nations, “this might seem incredible. But Kyiv and the Western governments turned a blind eye to it, as well as to the neo-Nazism that is growing in Ukraine like a cancerous tumor.” (