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Two-Thirds of Americans Rate the Economy as ‘Bad'

The Biden White House said today through Press Secretary Jen Psaki, “We expect March CPI headline inflation to be extraordinarily elevated due to Putin’s price hike.” The desperate reference to the Russian President’s alleged failure to control global inflation was not really intended to be believed. Rather this was like the football coach on the eve of a game saying, “They’re too big and fast for us"; Biden hopes that even a significant jump in tomorrow’s CPI report can be covered in the media as “surprisingly moderate” compared to “grim expectations,” etc.

According to The Hill on April 10, a majority of American voters, 63%, rated the economy as “bad” in a new CBS News poll. Some 66% said higher prices were creating hardship in their lives. Among that big majority viewing the economy as bad, 86% said it was because of inflation, 69% due to shortages of products and services; and half said it was because they do not trust the Biden Administration.