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Ukraine Tells Wall Street and Congress How Much Money Is Needed To Do the Permanent War Thing

One might wonder whether the Kiev regime would allow Ukraine to be sacrificed at the altar of geopolitical gamesmanship, but there’s nothing unclear about the cost for their services. In an interview with the Washington Post, Ukraine’s Finance Minister Sergey Marchenko explained that, over and above any military costs, another $5 billion per month is required at this point. At least $2 billion per month in emergency economic aid is to come from the Biden administration, and an additional $3 billion per month from elsewhere. Marchenko said that Ukraine needs “to cover this gap right now to attract the necessary finance and win this war.” And this is prior to an unspecified lump sum for damages incurred.

During his visit to Washington, D.C., last week, Marchenko met officially with a number of senior U.S. officials, but also attended a less publicized private dinner. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo hosted the affair on April 21 for Marchenko to meet informally with representatives from top U.S. firms such as Goldman Sachs and the lobbyist association for the Business Roundtable.

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