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Ukraine's Psychotic ‘Beast-man’ Video Depicts Flower-Girl as ISIS Executioner

A supposedly pro-Ukrainian video, posted on April 10, Palm Sunday on the Instagram page of Lviv actress Andrianna Kurylets, exposes the self-degradation and sadism of the Nazi “blood and soil” mentality being called forth amongst what can only be described as nihilists, who would destroy Ukraine. In less than two minutes one witnesses a Ukrainian maiden in a lovely costume, transformed into a vicious beast, performing an ISIS-like execution, on camera. The innocent flower-girl manages to invoke a mysterious, vengeful and clearly pre-Christian “Ukrainian God” in the process.

It begins: “For centuries, these swine ... trampled on our flag, mocked our language ... they starved us, killed us, crucified us in red torture chambers and sent us to the permafrost of the Siberian prison camps.” But no more. “They had been killing until something terrible awoke in a peaceful farming nation. Something had been dormant in the depths of the Dnipro cliffs for centuries. Initial and ancient Ukrainian God. [She raises a scythe and smiles] And now we are harvesting our bloody harvest!” [She slices the throat of a Russian paratrooper on his knees.] She repeats, more ominously: “And now we are harvesting our bloody harvest! You will all be killed in memory of victims in Bucha, Irpin, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Mariupol. You will all be killed. Your corpses, like the worst carrions, will rot in the fields, along roads and forest belts. They will be eaten by dogs and wild animals. Your mothers will be waiting for you in Tver, Pskov and Ryazan; but you, you sons of the bitch, will never return home. [She tosses the dead man to the ground, and smiles broadly] Welcome to Hell!” (

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