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Cheminade Tells Italian TV, Only Real Leadership Can Find Peace and Economic Development

Two participants at the April 9 Schiller Institute conference pushed forward the call to “Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations,” on Database Italia blog TV, Sunday, May 8. First, Jacques Cheminade — introduced as the chairman of France’s Solidarité et Progrès, a former presidential candidate, and, in particular, as one close to Lyndon LaRouche – provided a clear picture of the tension, and even rage, in the French population, particularly among the youth, against the austerity and war policies of French President Emanuel Macron. Cheminade made the salient point, that the majority of the French population did not vote for Macron this election, that they had voted in the first round for Marine Le Pen or Jean-Luc Melanchon – but unfortunately those two parties, with ‘rightist’ and ‘leftist’ profiles, did not have a common alternative policy. Hence, Macron was re-elected. And so Solidarité et Progrès is trying to create just such a common alternative with its candidates at the legislative elections. Cheminade made clear in his answers that a “common alternative policy” comes, not from some lower common denominator, but from the higher ground.

Alessia Ruggeri, another speaker at the April 9 Schiller Institute conference, asked Cheminade about the new security and development architecture proposed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche. He told the audience that only such an architecture and a new peace of Westphalia can prevent the general war, which unfortunately is Europe’s current present path. He added: “I am for Europe, but not for the European Union, which is representing the financial oligarchy destroying our economies and leading us to a nuclear war.” In calling for a new political leadership for Europe, he reminded the audience that Italian politicians of the past, such as Enrico Berlinguer, Aldo Moro, and Giorgio La Pira, were not lightweights, and were very different from today’s politicians. This was highly appreciated by both the hosts and the participants of the show.

The second half-hour saw a discussion, in Italian, of what Cheminade had put on the table. In particular, Alessia Ruggeri stated, “I fully agree with Jacques when he says that protests alone, without an alternative proposal, are worth nothing. Also in Italy we should work to create a new political leadership. It is now clear to all that [Prime Minister] Draghi’s policies have failed, sanctions are only hitting us very badly, the war policy is a disaster, as even some PD [Italian Democratic Party] politicians admit, such as Rosy Bindy or Carlo De Benedetti, and these governments will not last long; but we have to prepare an alternative, centered on Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s proposal for a New Paradigm.”

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