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If Germany delivers offensive weapons to Ukraine, “we must ask ourselves whether we are not escalating the drama,” leading German feminist Alice Schwarzer said today on Deutschlandfunk radio. The danger of getting into a Third World War is real, she said. “We have reached a point ... where Germany – and all of Western Europe – risks becoming a party to the war.”

Schwarzer said, “We wonder how compelling the further destruction of Ukraine and the thousands of deaths are.” She also referred to surveys on arms deliveries, which showed that about half of Germans were against the delivery of more weapons. This is something that needs to be discussed, she said.

Schwarzer is the initiator of an Open Letter signed by 27 other prominent artists, calling on the German government not to pump weapons into Ukraine, thereby prolonging the war and suffering, but to, instead, take the lead in diplomatic efforts for a peace solution. The letter, introduced at the end of last week, had more than 140,000 digital signatures by this morning.

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