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Le Monde Reluctantly Admits War Crimes of Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Militias

Paris, May 29, 2022 (EIRNS)—The winds are starting to change, one might hope. Now that some of the European elites are finally realizing the Anglo-American war party wants to drain the world in a long (why not nuclear) war aimed at bringing down Russia, some French media are revealing the broad scope of war crimes by Ukrainian neo-Nazi militias armed by NATO.

The initial revelations of Adrien Bocquet, a handicapped former French soldier who traveled to Ukraine during the war as a medic and whose eyewitness statements on Ukrainian acts of torture against Russian soldiers were dismissed by media (Libération, OBS, etc.) as “Russian propaganda,” were confirmed on May 16 by the French daily Le Monde (partner of the New York Times). Surprisingly, the “paper of record,” although not mentioning Bocquet by name, confirmed the authenticity of a video published on social media showing Ukrainian militia firing rifles into the knees of Russian prisoners of war who were tied up and defenseless.

This happened on March 25 in Mala Rohan, a village near Kharkiv taken back from Russian troops by the Azov Regiment, Fraikor and the Slobozhanshchyna Battalions. Andri Ianholenko, the leader of the Slobozhanshchyna Battalion, is visible and identifiable on the video. On other videos Le Monde found on Ianholenko’s social media accounts, he publishes the slogan of the Ukrainian fascists, “Glory to Ukraine!” and poses with the three Russian POWs shot in the March 25 video, a war crime Le Monde confirms, but still reluctantly presents as “a probable abuse committed by Ukrainian volunteers against Russian prisoners of war.”

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